Host Alisha about travel

Do you have any recommendation

  1. how much is this?
  2. I'd like this
  3. I have a reservation.
  4. Water, please.
  5. Do you take credit cards?
  6. This isn't what I ordered.
  7. Could we have the menu,Please.
  8. Could you give me a discount?
    • word about haggle
  9. Could you take a picture of me, please?
  10. Would you mind taking a picture of me
  11. Is the Wi-Fi free?
  12. I'd like to have a non-smoking seat?
  13. Can I have a bil
  14. Where is the bathroom /restroom?
  15. Is this the train for ?/that goes..

not know about

  1. Great job.
  2. You have a way with words. or you're good with words.
  3. You look gorgeous!
  4. You have good taste.
    • habbits or muisc and so on.
    • . on music
  5. You have a great sense of humor.
  6. Your resume is impressive.
  7. You make me want to be better person.

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